How Does Web Design Company Increase Website Loading Speed?

The website loading speed matters. It can affect your visitors’ count. As users always look for a faster loading website to fulfil their needs quickly, a slow loading site can notice greater bounce rates. It could also put a negative impact on your customers online. Did you know? Search engines such as Google also consider website loading time as a factor to rank any site.
Do you have a concern about your site speed? Find a reliable web design company for creating an amazing site. Interestingly, they consider all aspects of making a site appropriate for search engines as well as customers. It helps you acquire a considerable amount of traffic.
Since professional website designers employ practical and proven methods to make a site load faster, it helps in getting a competitive edge on the web. In simple words, page speed is essential for enhanced user experience. Suppose your design is stunning and your content is of high-quality, it may not be the effective elements until you don’t decrease the loading time.
Let’s discuss the tactics used for increasing web page speed-
- Minify Codes
Minify CSS, HTML, and JavaScript for optimizing the codes that include removing unnecessary spaces, characters, and commas. It is also essential to remove unused codes, comments, and formatting for optimization. It can significantly increase the page speed.
- Enable Compression
In many cases, the file size of CSS, JavaScript, and HTML increases up to 150 bytes and beyond. Compressing these files can put an impact on page loading time. Professionals use specific tools for compressing them to have better control over compressing parameters.
- Optimize Image Sizes
Experts never compress image size unnecessarily or else it could affect the quality. For optimizing images, web designers utilize CSS sprites and create a template. It not only reduces the size of those images but also retains the quality of the same.
- Leverage Browser Caching
Cache stores data so that users could visit that site faster the very next time. It is possible to set a cache expiration date specific to each site on the web. A professional web design company gives importance to leverage browser caching for faster website loading speed.
- Reduce Redirects
While visiting a page, visitors have to wait because of redirect requests. There is no need for multiple redirects because it could slow down the page loading speed. It is always best to optimize the redirect patterns such that you could save the valuable time of your visitors.
- Use CDNs
CDN or Content Delivery Network is a system of distributed servers. It helps in getting webpages and content specific to the geographic locations of the users. It enables them to access to a faster server nearby to ensure a faster loading time of the web pages.
Why Should You Care About Website Loading Time?
As already discussed, the page speed decides whether the visitors would stay on your site. If you ignore this essential parameter while building a site, you may find it difficult to achieve your business goals. According to reports, users hardly wait for 5 seconds while visiting a site on the web. These sites are likely to lose visitors and get a low rank in the search engine results.
The most preferred loading time is 3-second and below. It can attract visitors to explore the site in the search for their respective products and/or services. With this kind of approach, you can acquire better page views and improved traffic. Now, you just need to keep a check on the quality of content such that you could engage the visitors and transform them into customers.
The professionals of top-rated Web Design Company say that a 1 second delay in page load time can decrease the page views up to 11%. It can also put an impact on customer satisfaction by 15% – 20% and you are likely to lose conversion rates by 7%. Unfortunately, you could notice a significant change in the above-mentioned statistics if your content quality is poor.
Did you know? Low page speed can also lead to site crash if users work on a slow internet connection. For e-commerce sites, it could potentially cost them money every second. Reports suggest that a loading time of 2-second can increase the conversion rate by 70% and above.
How to Test Website Speed?
Fortunately, website owners can check the site speed by utilizing tools online. No matter whether you have an old or a new website, you must give importance to site speed. The poor loading time of the site can divert your existing customers and restrict the new customers from reaching you on the web. That’s why you must keep a check on the site speed occasionally.
Some of the free tools for verifying the website loading site include GTmetrix, Pingdom, and Google PageSpeed. Other than these tools, you can also opt for Gomez and Web Page Test.
Final Thoughts
Are you smart enough to increase the page speed? For starters, web content is not just a factor of acquiring visitors. There are several elements including website loading time that help you make your new site attractive for the users. A professional web design company also utilize Google Web Light tool to make a site ready for a slow internet connection. It reduces the image counts and texts to display specific information related to the site.
The best thing is that top companies never settle for a single tool. Start with finding a reliable designer and share your requirements. First of all, experts will analyze everything to ensure top-notch services. Thus, you can optimise your site and content to get a better rank online.
Get in touch with the team of UniTerrene Websoft today. It has qualified and talented web designers for creating your dreamed site within a specified time. It also has a professional team of web developers, SEO experts, and digital marketing experts who help in building a site attractive for search engines. Hurry up and check out the services offered before you hire!
Increased site loading time and improved user experience can impact your business profits!