How to Measure SEO Success through Google Analytics- 5 Must-Know Facts

“If you can’t measure it, and you can’t improve it.” This saying is nicely applicable to get success in SEO (Search Engine Optimization). More keywords are in rank means the site is getting more organic traffic. All the SEO personnel know how important the organic search result is! Reporting the keyword ranking helps to analyze how the keywords are depreciating the ranks of competitive website link ranks on SERP (Search Engine Results Page). For optimizing the page link rank, all the loop and holes should be measured. Thankfully enough, Google has kept you a free SEO success measuring tool- Google Analytics!
However, every single business is unique and their strategies are different. The success measuring matrices of all the websites are also different. Still, Google analytics is usable for measuring the following 5 matrices of a website relating SEO success.
- How to view only organic search results
Some websites show the decline of overall traffic in a particular point of time. The owner of the site jumps on the topic that the decline of traffic is for the decline of organic search results. Digging down a little, you may observe that the organic search result is higher and the traffic comes from the other sources are down! So, the overall traffic down.
For observing the organic search traffic, you have to open your channel grouping report which is available in clicks to Acquisition > All Traffic > Channels. Here, you will see the traffic sources.
- Measure the quality of SEO traffic
Some say that quality of traffic is subjective, and leave it without measuring. However, the quality of traffic matters- only search and bounce is repulsive.
You can easily measure the improvement or declining the quality of search traffic from Assisted Conversions report. The breadcrumb path will be- Conversions > Multi-Channel Funnels > Assisted Conversions. You can measure how the visitor found the link, and whether he is converted directly or not.
If you want to focus more refined, you can set keywords and notice the improvement in conversions from the search traffic.
- Assisting values to the organic search
You can easily measure the traditional SEO value to their business beyond the improvement of their traffic, website visibility, conversion rate, etc. You can assign total dollar value earned for having the organic traffic, and the value that costs for getting the result.
Note: For getting the strategy, you should have a Google AdWords Account, and your analytics should be synchronized with your Search Console account.
You have to navigate through Acquisition > Search Engine Optimization > Queries.
This is a great idea to visualize how many dollars and cents have been saving by SEO strategy for the organic search traffic and need to pay for instead.
- Measure Page loading Time
Page loading time is a great factor for achieving organic traffic. If the page loading time is high, the visitors will leave the page and will search for the new one. Some of the SEO personnel overlook it but it never should be. This affects user experience so much. For measuring page loading speed, you have to justify the navigation path as shown here: Behavior > Site Speed > Page Timings.
Look the magic when the page loading time is less or as per the standards of SEO. The traffic will be increased magically.
- Create personalized SEO dashboard and justify
The personalized dashboard on Google Analytics can save your entire data related to SEO and other interrelated matters. From there you can observe all the customized data helpful for bringing out whenever they are essential. You can also analyze your “hard to grasp” matters and solve the hindrance of gaining an organic result.
You have to click on dashboard and create a new dashboard. Navigation: Dashboards > + New Dashboard. Then, set your personalized dashboard menu to measure SEO performance.
Hope this will guide you to use Google Analytics and measure your SEO strategy through it successfully.