Learn Everything about the New Enemy of Mankind- Coronavirus

Have you ever imagined a garden full of flowers and greeneries turning out to be a desert in the blink of an eye? A pandemic can make it possible. In 1968, the human race was stunned when the flu pandemic caused 1 million deaths all across the world. It was caused by the H3N2 strain of the Influenza “A” virus. After 52 years, the world is again stopped by the arrival of another pandemic- Coronavirus. Most countries across the globe are stepping up efforts to battle against Coronavirus that has already taken away thousands of lives in multiple countries.
Though originated in China, corona has now spread to more than 100 countries in Asia, Europe, and North America. As of March 17, almost 7,019 people have died due to COVID-19 and more than 173,000 people are COVID-19 positive.
Corona- What is this?
The World Health Organization or WHO has defined coronavirus as a family of viruses that causes illness ranging from the common cold to life-threatening diseases like Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome or SARS. Generally, animals transmit these viruses to human beings. For instance, SARS was transmitted to people from civet cats while Middle East Respiratory Syndrome or MERS was transmitted from a type of camel to humans.
Let’s have a look at the chart given below to understand how corona is destroying the world mercilessly:
Country Name | Total Cases | Total Deaths |
China | 80,881 | 3,226 |
Italy | 27,980 | 2,158 |
Iran | 14,991 | 853 |
Spain | 11,178 | 491 |
USA | 4,743 | 93 |
UK | 1,543 | 55 |
India | 126 | 3 |
This is the current scenario of the countries suffering from Coronavirus. Terrific! Isn’t it?
WHO has stated that the signs of infection (caused by corona) include fever, cough, and shortness of breath and breathing difficulties. In its worst form, it can lead one to pneumonia, multiple organ failure, even death. Doctors and scientists have observed that the current incubation period (the period between the infection and the onset of symptoms is 14 days. In most cases, people showed the symptoms within five to six days. In some cases, patients are showing no symptoms while they have the virus in their system.
Unfortunately, scientists haven’t found any proven treatment yet. In multiple countries, scientists are working hard to find out a proven treatment method.
How to Avoid Corona Virus
The best way to avoid getting afflicted by coronavirus is to follow the same general guidelines that doctors suggest for flu season as the coronavirus spreads the same way. Follow some basic yet important guidelines listed below to fight off corona:
• Wash your hands frequently
• Don’t touch your face
• Maintain a distance of at least six feet from a person who is coughing or sneezing
• Refrain yourself from traveling for some days
• In the wake of cold, cough, or sneezing, visit a doctor
Sum up
The whole world is under the threat of Coronavirus- a terror to mankind. Let’s make ourselves and our loved ones aware of the symptoms and precautions so that we can defeat our new enemy.
Resource: https://www.nytimes.com/2020/03/17/world/coronavirus-update-latest-news.html