Hire Web Analysts: You may Call them Web Doctors As Well

Nowadays the concept of marketing has been changed a lot. Now, it is no more a mere sales job. It is an age of digital marketing. It will be difficult for your business to survive without its online presence. Expert web analysts find the drawbacks of an existing website which are causing the drop in the rankings on search engines. After identifying the problems, they suggest a solution which would be helpful in eliminating these problems. Is not this job resembles that of a doctor to a great extent? Physicians, at first, detect the problems and then prescribe medicines for the patients. Hiring web marketer, therefore, might be compared to consulting a doctor.
SEO not only works on search engine algorithm by using some techniques to bring the website to the top rank. You need intelligent and analytically skilled persons who are able to make effective strategies to improve the rank of your website. Since the last few years, the search engine algorithms have been improved which is good news for the online marketer. Now, let’s have a quick glance at some similarities between SEO professionals and doctors.
A. The physicians use the theories of clinical history to find out the disease of his patient. Similarly, the SEO experts analyze the history of the website including domain age, CSS, web content, coding language etc to identify the factors behind the fall of the website’s ranking on search engine.
B. Both doctor and web analyst conduct examinations and evaluations in order to draw a conclusion or to reach a decision.
C. Pattern recognition and maintaining objectivity are also common factors between web analyst and a physician.
D. A doctor observes the progress of the patient. According to the progress, the doctor decides the further medication. Similarly, the SEO observes the graph of the website’s position on the search engine and makes strategy accordingly.
E. In each of the two cases of doctor and SEO, the analysis demands a particular cost based on the time consumed by the professionals.
There are many other similarities between the two. SEO experts, therefore, are website doctors in the real sense of term. Uniterrene Websoft is an Indian website marketing company which takes the responsibility of bringing your website to the top on the search engine lists. To get assistance of their dedicated web doctors, contact: projects@uniterrene.com