Now You can Find AMPs Indexed in Organic Search Results

Haven’t you heard of the latest changes announced by Google last week? Like all the announcements made by the giant company, this one has already excited the world. The buzz is that Google is going to roll out AMP pages in organic search results worldwide.
Google has been working sincerely to make the user experience of the web faster for everyone with the introduction of AMP or Accelerated Mobile Pages technology. In this February, Google included a ‘top stories’ carousel containing pages developed with AMP technology in support of AMP.
Later, in the month of August, everyone got a hint from Google that their next step will be initiated with respect to AMP pages. Google made a statement that they would include the AMP pages in the regular set of organic search results. The time is now knocking the door. Yes, this is the time when Google is going to implement their statement.
What’s in the stock for the publishers?
When you will search anything on your mobile, the Google search results will automatically default to displaying the AMP version of a page (obviously if it is available). This change indicates a significant amount of new exposures for AMP pages, most probably leading to more traffic, revenue so on. If you are a publisher and not yet using AMP, this change would put you in a challenging situation to adopt this technology. People should not take AMP as a ranking signal. So far as raking of the content is concerned, page load time is a key factor no doubt. When the average time of AMP pages is less than one second, it would give them advantages over those pages which are coded in regular HTML. Generally, the HTML coded pages take an average time of 19 seconds to load and spends 10 times as much data.
What’s in the stock for the searchers?
This change is really beneficial for the searchers as it will save the time of searching on Google (when they are searching with mobile device). When you are searching with a cellular connection, it would be helpful in saving data as well. And good news for the searchers is that they will get more access to AMP pages in comparison to the previous conditions.